RectorSeal NOKORODE Pre-Tinning Paste Flux, Series: 95/5, 8 oz, Jar, 0 g/L VOC, Paste, Composition: 10 to 25% Zinc Chloride, 10 to 25% Ammonium Chloride, <10% Zinc Oxide, Tin, <1% Antimony, Tan/Gold to Black, Petroleum, >399 degree Fahrenheit Flash, 120 to 150 degree Fahrenheit Melting, Flammability: 1, 1.59 Specific Gravity, Applicable Materials: Copper/Tin/Zinc/Nickel/Sheet Lead
Nokorode pre-tinning paste flux is a creamy-smooth paste specifically formulated with a small amount of 95/5 tin/antimony solder powder inch the formula and a heat indicator. It is formulated to clean, pretin and flux the joint all at one time. Provides a fast, safe method of fluxing most common metals and solders. Excellent for use on larger diametermeters fittings or faster soldering's of smaller diametermeter fittings because it automatically tins before reaching higher temperature.