Fast and easy to use: one squeeze of the trigger makes 1/2 - 4 in connections in four to seven seconds
Transitioning between ViegaPex press and Viega propress
Reliable: achieve a consistent, strong, reliable, watertight seal the high-strength connection, when installed properly, is guaranteed for 50 years
Minimizes system downtime: Viega propress allows you to join wet connections, making it the fastest solution for maintenance and emergency repair jobs
Versatile: you can install Viega propress virtually anywhere in commercial, industrial and residential applications, for both new construction and renovations
Requires less equipment: with Viega propress, there is no need to carry cumbersome equipment such as tanks and hoses and no need for supplies like thread cutters, solder or flux
Produces measurable results: Viega propress has rapidly become a preferred method for fast, clean and safe joining of copper tubing, because connections are so easy to make, installers can be kept on or ahead of schedule
Smart connect feature: viega's patented smart connect feature helps installers identify unpressed connections quickly and accurately during pressure testing
Viega's smart connect feature is available on all of our fittings and most of our valves